Skywatchers around the world are in for a rare celestial treat this week as a hybrid solar eclipse is set to occur on Thursday, April 20th. This type of eclipse shifts from total solar eclipse to annular (ring-shaped) as the moon's shadow moves across the surface of Earth. The last hybrid solar eclipse occurred back in 2013 and won't happen again until 2031.
Named after an aboriginal word, Ningaloo Eclipse, there are four types of Solar eclipses: Total, Annular, Partial and Hybrid; with NASA stating that "earth's surface is curved so sometimes an eclipse can shift between annular and total" depending on how Moon’s shadow travels across our planet.
However if you're hoping to catch sight of it then unfortunately you'll be out luck unless located near far southern Indian Ocean or Indonesia where visibility will be possible along with parts western Australia & South Pacific regions only.
For those interested but unable view directly due location restrictions - fear not! As many YouTube channels including TimeAndDate plus Gravity Discovery Centre & Observatory based within Australia have confirmed they will stream real-time coverage allowing viewers worldwide opportunity witness event unfold via their devices instead.
To safely watch any form Solar Eclipses whether partial/total/hybrid however always use proper protective eyewear such as certified 'eclipse glasses' or safe handheld viewer device – never attempt look at sun without them!
While exciting events like these remind us just how vast yet connected universe truly is also worth noting upcoming future opportunities see different forms Solar Eclipse too.
On October 14th 2023 North America will experience Annnualar Solareclipse travelling through Oregon down Texas before followed few months later by next North American TotalSolarEclipse stretching over Maine up towards Canada border area taking place April8th 2024 while entirety Australia Philippines Malaysia other Southeast Asian countries expected observe least partial version.
So mark your calendars and make sure to stay safe while enjoying these rare celestial events!
How to see the April 20 solar eclipse in person
Skywatchers around the world are in for a rare celestial treat this week as a hybrid solar eclipse is set to occur on Thursday, April 20th. This type of eclipse shifts from total solar eclipse to annular (ring-shaped) as the moon's shadow moves across the surface of Earth.