Revelations from Pfizer's Secret War Room: From Liver Damage to Baby Loss

Recently, five individuals have reportedly died from liver damage after receiving mRNA injections developed by Pfizer. According to reports, half of these cases occurred within two days of receiving the injection. These incidents have sparked concern and raised questions about the safety of mRNA vaccines.

In addition to the liver damage cases, Pfizer is also facing accusations of concealing information about the negative impacts of their vaccine on male reproductive health. The company is alleged to have known about the 78% loss rate of babies during pregnancies and the harm caused to male sperm, including decreased motility and sperm count, as well as testicular damage in unborn baby boys.

Project Veritas, an investigative journalism organization, claims to have independently confirmed that Pfizer discussed the release of more potent variants of a deadly virus in order to generate profit. These actions have been deemed by some as the greatest crime against humanity. Evidence supporting these claims can be found in the Pfizer War Room/DailyClout ebook and in Project Veritas videos.

Dr. Naomi Wolf, a noted author and activist, along with 3,500 volunteers, is calling for public support in their efforts to uncover the truth about these crimes and bring attention to the potential dangers of mRNA vaccines.

It is crucial that the public has access to accurate and transparent information about the safety of any medical product, including vaccines. The allegations against Pfizer, the FDA, and the CDC regarding the concealment of information about the harms of mRNA vaccines must be thoroughly investigated to ensure the public's health and safety.